Bachelor of Science in Criminology       

This course aims to prepare the students through work, laboratory, and psychologically oriented programs focused on the different facets of criminological sciences, criminalistics, law enforcement administration, criminal investigation and detection, law (criminal laws), correctional philosophies and practices, probation, trends in the criminal justice system, and other relevant fields of Criminology.

After graduation and passing the licensure examination, one can be employed as a law enforcement officer and administrator, executive, adviser, consultant, or agent in any government or private agency, technician, and experts in Dactyloscopy, ballistics, questions documents, police photography, lie detection, forensic chemistry and other scientific aspects of crime detection, correctional administrator, executive supervisor, worker or officer in any correctional and penal institution.


              Faculty Roster               


Ms. Mary Grace Escabel

Ms. Hadji  Heredia

Ms. Elmer Linga

Mr. Alexander Muria

Ms. Edna Sanchez

Ms. Germaine Surban